The ProjectYou team is here to support your goals.

At ProjectYou, we know that your goals and priorities are unique. Your career history, lived experiences, interests, and passions matter. Because we recognize and celebrate those unique experiences and perspectives, we have assembled an amazing team of advisors to support you in your journey. All of our advisors are former Fortune 500 executives, who have “been there, done that” and have a tremendous passion for investing in your success. We look forward to helping you build clarity, capability and confidence in your career.

Mark Linsz

Co-Founder &

Senior Managing Partner

Dr. Leslie Braksick

Co-Founder &

Senior Partner

Austin Braksick

Partner, ProjectYou

Peter Lichtenthal


Chris Eosco


John Thiel


Mike Sharp


Jean Brinkmann


Mawi Asgedom


Christine Furstoss


Steve Schaick


Gina Hutchins


Jean Wallace


Dr. Al Schnur

Industrial Psychologist

Debbie Dellinger


External Engagement

Rani Lange

Manager, External Engagement

Jessica Broaders

Senior Program Manager

Dr. Vipin Ramani

Chief Technology Officer

Maggie Gervasi

Managing Director

ProjectYou helps young professionals build a career they love. We pair pre-college, college students, and professionals in the first 15 years of their career with a former executive, who advises them on their professional future.  Along with these advising sessions, ProjectYou clients receive personalized insights from our assessment process, guidance on their resume and LinkedIn, and more, all to help them achieve clarity, capability, and confidence in their careers.
ProjectYou is a MyNextSeason company.  MyNextSeason was founded with the vision of helping individuals and organizations with important career transitions and ensuring that they happen well. 

Get in touch with us today.

Connect with us directly. Get your questions answered and find out if ProjectYou is right for you. We look forward to meeting you.