“The job search to me felt very defeating. I had this mindset that I wasn’t good enough and that I would be lucky for any employer to want me. Working with my advisor caused me to have a major switch in mindset to realize that I had a lot to offer and potential employers would be lucky to have me.

ProjectYou boosted my confidence tremendously.”

- Caroline B.

“I never knew that my success and my own happiness could be totally aligned.”

- Max R.

“ProjectYou for sure achieved my goals.

I was at a turning point at the beginning of the program; I took time away from work when I had my two kids. I knew I wanted to go back but I didn’t want to go back to what I was doing before. My advisor helped me get clarity about a career path that felt more like me, and I ended up with multiple job offers by the end of ProjectYou. ”

- Lily M. 

“I wouldn't be in the coding class I'm in now without ProjectYou. It helped me figure out this is a passion that I have.”

- John L.

“All of the sessions were really helpful, but I benefited the most from the mock interviews.

I felt like I didn’t interview very well in the beginning, and the ProjectYou team helped me understand the interview process, create strong answers to interview questions I used to get stuck on, and prepared me for what’s next. It has had a huge impact on me. ”

- Ryann M.

“This whole program has been awakening for my daughter. She has become more talkative and assertive. She dislikes most things that aren’t school, but this program has been different. I do not know how you did it, but ProjectYou is working!”

- Mike R., parent of a ProjectYou alum

I couldn’t help but think that was all ProjectYou giving me that confidence.”

- Carrie V.

“During ProjectYou, we really emphasized my introduction skills and different interview questions so I wasn’t too nervous going into the interview and I knew what I wanted to say beforehand. Afterwards,

“I’ve been to my college career center many times and they usually just proofread my resume. By having an advisor who really knew me and could look at my profile holistically, I was able to not only expand my horizons in the job search, but re-define what I had always perceived to be my own weaknesses to strengths.”

- Kevin R.

“One aspect of the process that was particularly beneficial for me was the mock interview and debrief. It helped me demystify what great interviewing looked like and broke down something I had always thought to be very intimidating to be very straightforward.

ProjectYou improved my confidence, and ultimately, I got the job I wanted.”

- Jennie S.

“After ProjectYou, I was no longer afraid to tell my story. I was able to hold conversations with people at work who were much more senior than I was. This helped me be more comfortable with networking as a whole, which helped me not only get an internship but really grow as a person.”

- Andrew W.

“My advisor helped me think critically about skills I will need throughout my career and changed the way I look at and approach networking.

Spending time discussing pieces of my career in-depth with someone who had been through similar events and already had more experience and perspective has been well worth the time and investment already. ”

- Danielle B.

“One thing that stood out to me about my experience with ProjectYou was the emphasis on the ‘Whole You.’ In thinking about my career, I had never realized how intertwined my work was with my physical and mental health, and I feel like I’m so much more aware of these things in my own life.”

- Brendan J.

“After ProjectYou, I really know what I’m looking for when I apply to jobs.

When I would think about potential careers before, I had always wanted to figure out concretely what role was right for me. ProjectYou helped me think so much bigger than that and look at things that really mattered to me like company mission, culture and workplace environment, which redefined the way I looked at potential roles. ”

- Mary J.

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